Apollón & Dionýsos<br> © Petra Hajská

Apollón or Dionýsos?
Listen to the concert recording

The second concert of the spring series of the Baroque Soirées 2024 series was recorded by Czech Radio. The programme held in Theresian Hall of Břevnov Monastery offered offered works by Georg Friedrich Händel, Francesco Geminiani, Michel Blavet, Arcangelo Corelli and Jean-Baptiste Quentin. The atmosphere in the music salon of Marquis Ruspoli and Cardinal Ottoboni was conveyed by the Collegium Marianum ensemble under the direction of artistic director Jana Semerádová.

Apollón a Dionýsos
Trio Sonatas by A. Corelli and G. F. Handel


21. 5. 2024 | 19.00
Břevnov Monastery, Theresian Hall


Jana Semerádová – flauto traverso
Magdalena Malá – Baroque violin
Hana Fleková – Baroque cello
Jan Krejča – theorbo
Sebastian Knebel – harpsichord



Georg Frideric Handel (1685–1759)
Triosonata in G major, HWV 399


Francesco Geminiani (1687–1762)
Sonata in F major No. 5, Op. 5
Air d᾿Handel


Georg Friedrich Händel
Triosonata in B minor, HWV 386b


Arcangelo Corelli (1653–1713)
Sonata da chiesa in B minor No. 4, Op. 3


Jean-Baptiste Quentin (before 1690 – ca 1742)
Sonata in D major No. 5, Op. 3


Francesco Geminiani
Triosonata in D minor, No. 5, Op. 2