The Image of Melancholy
Music Inspired by Poetry and Drama Works
of William Shakespeare and John Milton
Anthony Holborne (ca 1545 – 1602)
The Image of Melancholly
John Dowland (1562/1563 – 1626)
Lachrimæ „Flow my tears“
Matthew Locke (ca 1621 – 1677)
Curtain Tune
Henry Purcell (1659–1695)
Dry those eyes (z The Tempest, Z. 631)
John Blow (1649–1708)
Ouverture, Cupid’s Entry, Act tune, Dance by a Huntsman
(Suite from Venus and Adonis, 1683)
Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632 – 1687)
Plainte de Vénus sur la mort d’Adonis
(from Le Grand Divertissement Royal)
Georg Friedrich Händel (1685–1759)
Concerto grosso G dur, HWV 319
Thomas Arne (1710–1778)
Cantata “The Morning”
Concert with an intermission. Estimated end at 9:15 pm.
The dulcet tones of Hana Blažíková will fill the Theresian Hall at the Břevnov Monastery with melancholic music inspired by works of William Shakespeare and John Milton. The sounds of nature and affections of the human soul were great sources of inspiration for composers of the Early and High Baroque periods. The sung text and various affects in those compositions were expressed by way of typified melodic and harmonic elements. This concert will be dedicated to the sentiments of melancholy and grief and will present works of English authors who belong to the foremost composers of the Baroque period.
Lenka Torgersen – Baroque violin
Vojtěch Semerád – Baroque violin and viola
Andreas Torgersen – Baroque viola
Hana Fleková – Baroque cello
Jana Semerádová – flutes
Sebastian Knebel – harpsichord
Jan Krejča – theorbo, Baroque guitar
Ján Prievozník – violone