Caravaggio’s Journey

A Musical Journey from Milan to Naples


Milan 1584–1591
Claudio Monteverdi (1567–1643)
Non si levava ancor

Gioseppe Caimo (ca 1545 – 1584)
Ove, pazzo che sei

Vincenzo Ruffo (ca 1508 – 1587)
Misero me

Rome 1592–1606
Luca Marenzio (1554–1599)
O Fortuna volubile e leggiera
Dolorosi martir

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (ca 1525 – 1594)
Heu mihi Domine

Naples 1606–1607
Sigismondo d’India (ca 1525 – 1594)
Lauda anima mea

Pomponio Nenna (1556–1608)
O Domine Jesu Christe

Malta 1607–1608
Giovanni de Macque (1548/1550 – 1614)
Morirò di dolor

Sicíle 1608–1609
Pietro Vinci (ca 1525 – 1584)
Virgo Immaculata

Naples 1609–1610
Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa (1566–1613)
Tradiderunt me
Illumina nos a 7

Concert without an intermission. Estimated end at 8:45 pm.


The vocal program of Cappella Mariana traces the artistic and life journey of one of one of the foremost exponents of mannerism in art, Caravaggio, who influenced the entire Baroque aesthetic with his application of the chiaroscuro technique. The program will take the listeners on tour of Italian composers connected with the places where Caravaggio was active throughout his career. It comprises masterpieces of Renaissance polyphony from the turn of the 17th century when the music of a new (Baroque) era was being born in contrast to the complex polyphonic tradition.


Hana Blažíková – soprano
Barbora Kabátková – soprano
Daniela Čermáková – alt
Vojtěch Semerád – tenor
Tomáš Lajtkep – tenor
Martin Schicketanz – baritone
Jaromír Nosek – bass

Partners of the concert

The concert is kindly supported by the Dominican Monastery of St George Prague.