Angels and Shepherds

Christmas in Baroque Rome and Paris



Jana Semerádová – flauto traverso, artistic director

Lenka Torgersen – concert master

Magdalena Malá – violin

Andreas Torgersen – viola

Mélusine de Pas – viola da gamba

Ján Prievozník – violone

Jan Krejča – theorbo

Sebastian Knebel – organ

Martina Bernášková – flauto traverso


Giacomo Carissimi (1605–1674)

Salve, salve puellule


Georg Muffat (1653–1704)

Florilegium primum, Ouverture No. 3 „Gratitudo“

Ouverture, Balet, Air, Bourrée, Gigue, Gavotte, Menuet

Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1653–1704)

Alma redemptoris Mater, H. 44

Symphonie, H. 529


Bernardo Pasquini (1637–1710)


Marc-Antoine Charpentier

Anciennes Ô de l’Avent „O Sapientia“, H. 37

Domenico Zipoli (1688–1726)

Pastorale per il Santissimo Natale (Sinfonie da chiesa, op. 2, 1709)



Alessandro Stradella (1639–1682)

Sinfonia avanti la Cantata

Aria del Angelo „Sù, Pastori, alla gioia“
(Cantata per il  Santissimo natale „Ah! Troppo è ver“)

Aria di Pastore „Mentre ingemmano il suo viso“
(Cantata per il Santissimo natale „Si apra col riso“)

Carlo Ambrogio Lonati (cca 1645 – cca 1715)

Sinfonia a 3, Allegro


Marc-Antoine Charpentier

Dialogus inter Angelos et Pastores (Histoire de la nativité, H. 420)


Harmonie online, 30. 12. 2018, Eva Polívková


Dialogus inter Angelos et Pastores, a work, however valuable, would probably not have been the climax of the whole programme if it had not been so ingeniously assisted. The simple but impressive lighting effects, the stage movement, the suggestive dancing, the elevation of the angel to the pulpit of a real church, all provided a feast for the ears as well as a feast for the eyes.